Half-Year Numbers:
Free Subscribers: 288
Paid Subscribers: 4
Total Cash Payout: $11.00
It has been six months and I have had the honor of reading fabulous poetry. Unfortunately, it appears that there is not enough content to justify people to pay.
I am going to continue this experiment and hope that substack lowers the amount that I can charge per month because these poems deserve to be read.
Keep writing and creating!
Poetry Winners (Paid Subscription Unlocks All)
Roundabouts - What you loose on the roundabouts, you make up on the swings.
Itinerary- Gone away is the place to be.
To Who I Call Home- I have moved into a tranquil state of adjournment.
Fortified With Spirits- Where washed-out bricks bear forth wan echoes out.
World Without Bob Dylan- It clings to you like lambs to Mary
A Slow Apocalypse- In the fading light of the dying sun.
The Wayfarer- The way is narrow, dimly lit and rough.
Worse For Wear- It all just seems so unfair.
Daffodil- Golden and green, she gives us a taste.
Shells- I walked on the beach smoking pipedreams.
Kady (The Last Baby Boomer)- You’re gonna die, but don’t get old.
Lines Written After A Friend Called From The Dublin House- Sent me outdoors; the stillness of all.
For The Love of Silver- You traded our mirth, our joy, our wit.
I Will Stay, Come What May- I will stay, for the trust that needs to be earned.
Check, Please- Pen writing on paper.
SONG OF THE ETERNAL SAILORS- We sailed to the ocean’s edge before the earth was round.
The Road More Travelled By- Two roads diverged in a yellow wood.
Waltzheimers- But a little laughter is all she has.
Something Changed Capital Steez- He shot-gunned verbs and blew nouns like trumpets.
The Land of Fey- A hundred poems a day, A hundred gnomes in the land of fey.
I suggest also widening the parameters to allow free verse to be published as well. I love the idea behind this Substack account, but if you really want a poetry publication to take off, it can't be limited to strictly rhyming poetry.